True Faith

True Faith, Eli Part 1

by Bruce Hehl

True Faith

We seem to be in an episode of the Twilight Zone as of late. Lots of panic in the atmosphere. So, what are we to do?

Faith is the opposite of fear. We are told by Jesus in the scriptures never to fear. Why? Because He alone holds the keys to death, hell, and the grave. The book of Revelation also tells us, “He holds the seven stars in His Right Hand.” The seven stars being the seven winds, breath, or spirits in His Right Hand!

In Old Testament lore, the right hand is the place of authority. I like to think of it as this. “Those He forenew, He also predestined to be conformed in His Image.” We are of the Image of Jesus. We are earthly men such as He was. We are also called to do the same work as He. If we are created in His Image does it not suppose He can keep us in times of distress or trouble?

The scriptures are full of scenarios such as the one we face today. During the time of Moses while the plagues were being wrought upon Egypt because of rebellion, not a dog barked in the camp of Israel.

God has a plan! He has always had a plan. Nothing catches Him off guard, ever!

He is saying to us, He has yours, mine, and the destiny of the world safely in His Hands. Is there a force in nature or of this world that can pry your destiny from His Hand? No!

Does this mean none will die? Of course not. What it means is His Plan will follow His course and end in His timing.

We should not be afraid, but trust in His plan. People have been living and dying since the beginning of time but the ship is still on course so that victory wins.

It doesn’t matter what realm we find ourselves living or working in. Jesus is Lord. He also destroyed the fear of death. We need true faith to really understand and walk this out.

True Faith

True faith reaches its zenith when facing death. Some of us have already faced this. When you do, it comes alive within you. Life! Real Life that only He can give by His powerful sovereign grace and mercy.

Let us meditate upon these things instead of a pandemic of FEAR! “There is no fear in His Perfect Love.” Paul tells us, when tongues are stilled, knowledge fails, and prophecy ceases…..then and only then will we really understand God’s great love for us.

So, bring it on. I flow in prophetic ministry. I have for 40 years. Shut me up and bring on your unfailing love for me and all of us.

Is this so difficult? Let go of gifting and focus on the big picture. One of the things taking place now is the bringing down of the mega churches who really only focus on themselves and building bigger platforms for themselves.

In 2007 the Lord gave me a vision. I saw two major ministries standing on the street corner alone. They had a tin cup in their hands and were asking for money. People gave them no mind and continued to walk past them, as they were saying, “don’t you know who I am and what great work I’ve done for God?”

I didn’t really understand it completely then but I am seeing it in an entirely new light now. I am not judging the Lord knows. It could be me. I sing pretty good. I play piano pretty well, but, the Lord has seen fit to keep me hidden all these years. That system would have corrupted me too, except by the grace of God!

People see this as a time to renew families and renew marriages. A time to break bread around The Lord’s Table, not some man made concept of it. Paul says, that why you sleep. You fail to discern the Body! He’s not talking about Himself but one another!

So, time to wake up and focus on what remains. FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE! And the greatest! LOVE.

On to part 2.


Individual Puzzles


Let’s Put our Money Where our Mouth is, Eli Part 2

1 Comment

  1. Tim Bradshaw

    What a great word for such a time as this. Love you Bruce. Keep writing, and we will keep reading.

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